Achmad Udin Zailani(1*), Nugraha Listiana Hanun(2),

(1) Universitas Pamulang
(2) Universitas Pamulang
(*) Corresponding Author


Credit is the provision of money or bills which can be equalized with an agreement or deal between the bank and another parties that requires the borrower to pay off the debt after a certain period of time through interest. Before the cooperative approves the credit proposed by the debtor, the cooperative conducts a credit analysis of borrowers whether the credit application is approved or disapproved. This study objectives to predict creditworthiness by applying the Random Forest Classification Algorithm in order to provide a solution for determining the creditworthiness.This research method is absolute experimental research that leads to the impact resulting from experiments on the application of the decision tree model of the Random Forest Classification Algorithm’s approach. The study results using the Random Forest Classification Algorithm’s are able to analyze problem credit and disproblems debtors with an accuracy value of 87.88%. Besides that,. decision tree model was able to improve the accuracy in analyzing the credit worthiness of borrowers who filed.


Credit analysis, decision tree model, random forest classification algorithm’s

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