Maria Gabby Winata(1*),

(1) Universitas Bina Nusantara
(*) Corresponding Author


Along with the rapid development of information technology, the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) began to develop a more efficient transaction concept by starting to apply the concept of floorless trading. Which previously all places and processes of buying and selling shares were only centered on the IDX floor or better known as floor trading. The floorless trading system is a new stock trading transaction system implemented by the IDX by moving the place and process of buying and selling of shares to each securities company from what was previously centralized on the stock exchange (IDX). So now the concept of a new stock sale and purchase transaction, or better known as remote trading, has begun to be developed. The purpose of writing this research is to evaluate the remote trading system implemented by the company and provide input to improve the effectiveness of the remote trading system. This study uses the UTAUT methodology to evaluate and measure user acceptance, the results of which will be a reference to provide input to the company. The results achieved are a new system design created to meet user needs based on the analysis that has been done. With this new system design will increase system effectiveness and employee performance.


Remote Trading, UTAUT, User Acceptance, System Design, Effectiveness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37365/jti.v5i1.57


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