Ahmad Taufik(1*), Rouly Doharma(2), Wahid Hadi Saputro(3),

(1) Scopus ID [57222726870] Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer Widuri
(2) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Widuri Jakarta, Indonesia.
(3) Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Widuri Jakarta, Indonesia.
(*) Corresponding Author


The Information System is a collection of systems in its aspect consisting of software, hardware and brainware in a structured manner with performance in a gradual and interconnected process so as to create a specific product that is needed by the user, with regard to copiers in companies generally have processes such as leasing and maintenance, then along with the development of a website-based information system that can make it easier for users to carry out the process of renting and maintaining photocopiers, but from the rental and maintenance of photocopiers there are several problem factors that influence it, namely, customers experience difficulties in renting photocopiers which have to wait for stock from the company if stock is not available. available so that it takes quite a long time during the rental process, in the process of handling photocopier maintenance from customers the procedure takes a long time to repair because there is no system that support in service delivery as well as miss communication between technicians and customers in carrying out photocopier maintenance for spare parts needs so that the technician brings the wrong spare parts when the customer experiences problems from the photocopier, the purpose of which is a reference for research is to create an information system for leasing and maintaining photocopiers for staff and customers at PT. Micostar Karyagraha, Based on these 3 problems as a solution, an information system is needed for the process of renting and maintaining photocopier machines in a website-based performance, besides that tests were carried out using UAT on 50 respondents on 28 staff and 22 customers, the results are good with an average percentage of 82.36%, the final stage of the results of the machine rental and maintenance information system photocopies made for staff and customers on a website basis.




System Information, Rental & Service, Fotocopy Machine, UAT, Website

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